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Studio Safety Procedures 

As we gain more knowledge from the CDC policies and procedures will be adjusted accordingly.

In Order for Dedrick's Dance District to function safely during these times, we ask all our dancers, family members, and employees to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Self-isolation – if you are sick, stay home

  • Practice social distancing of at least six feet distance to the greatest extent possible

  • Wash hands frequently (20 seconds with soap and water or use of a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol)

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects including ballet barres, chairs, bathrooms sinks and toilets, dance floors, music equipment and surfaces and remove unnecessary frequently touched surfaces

  • Avoid touching of eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Everyone must wearing a cloth face covering when it is difficult to practice social distancing (do not use on children under two years old, people with difficulty breathing, or people who cannot remove the mask themselves)

  • Cover mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and throw used tissues away immediately after use

  • Avoid using other employees’ phones, desks, offices or other work tools and equipment when possible, or disinfect them before and after use.

  • Our Lobby will remain closed during this time. Parents/Guardians will walk dancer to the door or drop off in the parking lot. Parents/Guardians will remain in the car during class time. Parent/Guardians will pick up dancer at the door or in their car if the child is old enough to walk him/herself to the car.

  • Everyone who enters the building will have their temperature taken with touches digital thermometer and documented. Staff included.

  • NO CASH PAYMENTS. Please make all payments online or over the phone.

  • All dancers must sanitize their hands upon entering the building and before they exit the building

  • Dancers will enter and exit at staggered class times to eliminate cross traffic

  • No access to water fountain. Dancer must bring their own water bottles.

  • One student at a time will be allowed to use the restroom (with teacher’s permission)

  • Only a certain number of dancers will be allowed in a dance studio based upon the square footage of the room

  • Dancers will have specific boundaries in the studio to keep space between each other per CDC guidelines)

  • All dancers items will be stored in a specific place while they are in the studio (distanced from other dancers’ belongings) and this area will be wiped down after the dancer leaves. Each dancer will be allowed only one bag in the studio.

  • No congregation in hallway

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